Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Fitness Drill - The Mirror

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'The Mirror' is a great drill to work on all motor skills, but with its main focus being more so on reaction times and explosive speed, but like with most motor skill drills working on a specific motor skill ONLY is near impossible without working most/all of them.

Now this drill is AMAZING for Defenders and Attackers! To sharpen them up, and give them that edge in the game!
Tho its a great drill for all players and with it not being a drill at your typical football training night! Its a fun drill for the players to do if you were to throw it in.
For Defenders and Attackers this will improve their co-ordination and reaction times and quick feet and explosive movement... Enjoy

This drill is can be VERY DEMANDING tho it doesn't look it, you need to try it yourself to realise.

Set up:

- 2x Cones (set up x5 yards apart)
- Stopwatch


- 15 seconds
- One player is the leader (Red) and is acting as the attacker and the other (Blue) the defender is trying to follow his exact movement.
The aim is for the attacker within the distance of the two cones and by ONLY MOVING SIDEWAYS break the velcro cord between himself and the defender (with distance being the cause for the velcro to rip) ie not to break it with an arm swing etc within the 15 seconds.


- Most clubs won't have velcro straps easily to hand, so simply make do without one as the fundamentals of the exercise is exactly the same only the velcro cord is acting as a visual aid etc
- Progress to up to 3 cones NO MORE and NO MORE than 10 yards OVERALL 


Sets - 3-5 (each being 15 seconds)
Rest - 30-60 seconds (depending on ability level and age)
Frequency - Depends on time of season (pre-season/ start of season/ mid season etc) 

Coaching Points:

- 100% Effort (15 seconds of EXTREME energy)
- PLAYERS IN SEMI-SQUAT POSITION sunk low down and on balls on their feet at all time. NEVER FULLY UPRIGHT
- Short quick steps (load and explode) 
- Attackers to use feints and attempt to throw off defender reading his directions ie, quick two steps one way only to explode into 3-4 the other way to gain a distance big enough to cause the velcro cord to break.

Thanks for reading..

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