Sunday, 10 March 2013

Pressing and Spreading

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Pressing and Spreading

One of my favorite drills!

Aim of the drill:
- To show the importance and benefits of pressing as a team 'all or nothing' approach "pressing"
- Passing and moving and forming triangles "spreading"
- 6 Second rule (See Video) 

Set Up:
- Set up a 20x20 coned grid and split into 4x 10x10 grids as shown.
- Two teams of 3 play. 

- Teams must only pass when they have support from their right and left 'as in theory a defender would be challenging/pressing HEAD ON and therefore support for the player would could from team mates to their left and right'
- Only one team mate per 10x10 'unless pressing'

Once the players are familiar with the set up and aims, begin and then progress to two teams within the grid.

Coach one team at a time, here its the ORANGES. On the coaches call the oranges ditch their own ball and have 6 SECONDS to fully press the oppositions ball as a team, abandoning markers and spare players and fully concentrate 100% on the oppositions ball. 
Leaving their own ball behind wherever it lay before the coach called. The coach counts down from 6 seconds. The oranges have 6 seconds to aggressively press the player with the ball and putting them under pressure. If they regain the ball the countdown ends, and the oranges score a point, if they don't manage to get the ball before the countdown ends the Whites gain a point.

Restart after the countdown with the opposite team.

Coaching Points:
The aim of 6 seconds comes from Barcelona 'when defending they call it the '6 second rule'. They have to get the ball back in 6 seconds. If they don't get it they drop back into their defensive formation.
- Players decision making, with not allowing two players in the same grid, players need to read the game and see where they need to go 'support' constantly changing.
- Communication off the ball between team mates to allow quick passing
- Accurate passing

- Increase the area 25x25 - 30x30 etc
- Team mates can dribble into grids where team mates are, tho previous team mate must quickly move out into another 'rotation/ rotating positions and spreading'
- More game related scenarios, playing out from the back and pressing. Using an entire half. Increasing size and players.
- Instead of the coach triggering the pressing, take it in turns as team to press 'ie - oranges kick ball out of grid then press, the white team off the ball communicate and actively seek to speed up movement and spreading to keep the ball for 6 seconds'

- Players realise its easier to press 100% as a team for a few seconds than to spend potentially minutes chasing the ball/players and shadows as individuals to gain possession again.
- Passing and moving to support for team mates. 
- Off the ball movement is crucial for the team to succeed
- Communication
- Understanding of the 6-second rule. 
- Builds the basis to increase the area and players and re-create it at match day pace / level

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Fitness Drill - Strikers Sprint

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Fitness Drill - Strikers Sprint

For any players reading this or coaches wanting to work on forward players this drill is great for improving strength/speed and explosiveness.

This can be done indoors or outdoors. But to help get the point across works slightly better outdoors.

The aim is to improve their anaerobic systems and to recreate a striker receiving the ball either on the halfway line or latching onto a through ball FROM the halfway line.
Now as the rough distance from the halfway to just shy of the area is around 30 yards. So this will be the benchmark to work too.

Mark out two cones 30 yards apart with one starting on the halfway line.

Players begin on their own from the halfway line, and sprint 30 yards and then walk back round to the start.
Repeat 10 times.
As fitness improves switch from walk to a slow jog.

Coaching Points:
- Head down for as long as naturally possible, picture 100 meter sprinters / 45 degree angle driving out of the blocks
- Drive with arms NOT legs. The faster you can pump your arms the faster your legs will go.
(As daft as that sounds, run in slow motion like your on baywatch, and maintaining this speed increase your arm speed and you'll then realise why this works)
- Elbows at 90 degrees

To increase realism increase the distance at the start by 5 yards with another cone, followed by a 30 yard sprint.
Players work in twos BOTH facing AWAY. 
Player 1 backs into player 2 (who either using his chest/body or hands/arms) provides resistance. Player 1 keeping his body low drives back into player 2 forcing him backwards until they pass the 2nd cone, then player 1 spins off player 2 and then sprints 30 yards like before.

REPEAT 10 times

This exercise/drill can also be tweaked for teams or players on wings who like to cut inside and want to improve on exploding inside for support or to attack teams.
Players back pedal out to the wings creating width for their team or losing their marker. When reaching the second cone, turn and sprint inside. Walk back to start. and repeat!.

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Friday, 8 March 2013

Playing Out From The Back

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Playing out from the back

Set up in the defensive third as shown, and one lone player in the middle third. Creating a 5v2 (1-GK and 4 defenders vs 2 attackers)
And 1 DM alone in the middle third.

Starting with the GK the defence split. With the CBs splitting to around the edge of the box as shown. The FBs pulling wide and high. 

Staying in the defensive third. The aim is for the '5' to play out from the GK and stay loosely in their positions and perform x-amount of consecutive passes. Say 10 passes. Once achieved the defence then look to play the ball to the Lone DM in the middle third. 
The Drill is then complete. 
Repeat 5-10 times each time fine tuning decision making and coaching points. No player or the ball to leave the defensive third until x-amount of successful consecutive passes.

Coaching Points:
- Keep passes simple at first. 10 yard passes instead of switching passes. 
To help encourage playing and passing.
- Try to use the GK as much as possible, every 2/3 passes should have the GK involved
- Check shoulder before and after receiving passes
- Receive on back foot/ half turn if possible
- Communication on and off the ball from team mates

- Look to only play to nearest team mates. Ie FB looks to pass to either CB or GK and NOT opposite FB
- Loose FB's and play a 3v2 'GK and 2 CB's' and add DM with the ability to drop in and out of the defensive third
- Add opposition Wingers in defensive third to rein-act a team pressing high on a Goal kick and then encourage movement and the DM to drop into the Defensive third when the CB's split to be an option from the GK

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An AJAX Fitness Test

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A fitness test used by the dutch club AJAX.

- Run back and too 5 times
- Record Score/Time
- Work on progressing/improving indidivual times
- Aim to get around 10 seconds

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Spinning The Triangle

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Spinning The Triangle

Here is a simple way playing in a 4-3-3 switching from attacking to defending. With the midfield.

When attacking the midfield is set out like a triangle, with the two points being CM's or AM's with one DM. Giving the team more attacking options, and support to forwards and wingers. While at the same time providing depth and cover in the DM to bring balance.

During a transition, the midfield can 'spin the triangle' and quickly rotate into a defensive triangle. This time with two points in a defensive position. Leaving one CM up to help create an outlet/support/ balance when the ball is won back.

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