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Pressing and Spreading
One of my favorite drills!
Aim of the drill:
- To show the importance and benefits of pressing as a team 'all or nothing' approach "pressing"
- Passing and moving and forming triangles "spreading"
- 6 Second rule (See Video)
Set Up:
- Set up a 20x20 coned grid and split into 4x 10x10 grids as shown.
- Two teams of 3 play.
- Teams must only pass when they have support from their right and left 'as in theory a defender would be challenging/pressing HEAD ON and therefore support for the player would could from team mates to their left and right'
- Only one team mate per 10x10 'unless pressing'
Once the players are familiar with the set up and aims, begin and then progress to two teams within the grid.
Coach one team at a time, here its the ORANGES. On the coaches call the oranges ditch their own ball and have 6 SECONDS to fully press the oppositions ball as a team, abandoning markers and spare players and fully concentrate 100% on the oppositions ball.
Leaving their own ball behind wherever it lay before the coach called. The coach counts down from 6 seconds. The oranges have 6 seconds to aggressively press the player with the ball and putting them under pressure. If they regain the ball the countdown ends, and the oranges score a point, if they don't manage to get the ball before the countdown ends the Whites gain a point.
Restart after the countdown with the opposite team.
Coaching Points:
The aim of 6 seconds comes from Barcelona 'when defending they call it the '6 second rule'. They have to get the ball back in 6 seconds. If they don't get it they drop back into their defensive formation.
- Players decision making, with not allowing two players in the same grid, players need to read the game and see where they need to go 'support' constantly changing.
- Communication off the ball between team mates to allow quick passing
- Accurate passing
- Increase the area 25x25 - 30x30 etc
- Team mates can dribble into grids where team mates are, tho previous team mate must quickly move out into another 'rotation/ rotating positions and spreading'
- More game related scenarios, playing out from the back and pressing. Using an entire half. Increasing size and players.
- Instead of the coach triggering the pressing, take it in turns as team to press 'ie - oranges kick ball out of grid then press, the white team off the ball communicate and actively seek to speed up movement and spreading to keep the ball for 6 seconds'
- Players realise its easier to press 100% as a team for a few seconds than to spend potentially minutes chasing the ball/players and shadows as individuals to gain possession again.
- Passing and moving to support for team mates.
- Off the ball movement is crucial for the team to succeed
- Communication
- Understanding of the 6-second rule.
- Builds the basis to increase the area and players and re-create it at match day pace / level
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