Saturday, 29 December 2012

Finishing in corners

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A friend of mine over saw a international coaching session, when he witnessed the following...

A group of players were taking shots at the goal before the session started, after about 20 or so shots and only about 4-5 resulting in a goal the coach of the session intervened....
He took the place of one of the players and asked a fellow player to pass him the ball. After controlling it, he simply passed the ball into the opposite corner adjacent to the goalkeepers starting position.
'One shot, One goal' - He calmly said
'You don't need to break the net every time you shoot! Shooting can be as simple as passing the ball into the net, Make every shot count!'

After hearing this story, i thought he is bang on. So i threw together the following drill/exercise

The coach plays a pass into a player, who controls it and dribbles/ plays himself into the area. Then adjusts his/hers body position and passes into their chosen corner.

To help with the key focus of 'passing/finishing in corners' Place two players in the corners. The idea the players wont drill it at the players but will more naturally pass it into them! Once they get into the habit, remove the players from the goals if needs be.

After a player shoots, they simple rotate with either player on the posts. Or work it, 10 shots then swap over etc

- Set yourself with one foot and pass/shoot with the other
- Left Corner use left foot Right Corner right foot etc
- Increase speed and intensity to match game conditions ie - One touch into box, one touch to finish
- Try to add abit of bend with the pass instead of straight on
- After success add a GK

Coaching Points:
- Players on their toes, and on the half turn
- Eyes up to pick spot
- Adjust body position for chosen spot 'ie shoulders square on to whichever corner'
- Standing foot placement 'Standing Toe pointing to where they want the ball to go' etc
- Good contact with inside of foot 'not laces' key focus is passing/finishing in corners 

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