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WEEK ONE: MIDFIELD POSSESSION x2 per week for 90mins
Set up with roughly a 10x10 grid with 3 players in a grid.
Now the idea is all 3 players must keep the grid as BIG as possible, and whenever a player has the ball they MUST have an option to their right and left before releasing a pass.
- Players always facing the ball
- On the balls on their feet ready to pass, receive or to make a support run
- Checking shoulder on calling and receiving the ball
- Crisp on the floor passing, 1/2 touch
- Once fundamentals are established increase/push the tempo
Once all coaching points are being shown and demonstrated progress to now adding a defender, and repeating the drill but with pressure. Explaining following the points learnt, there playing in a triangle. And therefore nearly impossible for a defender to win the ball off them if they stick to keeping the GRID BIG, support runs giving the ball player options on their left and right (if your wondering why not in front - in theory the defender will be closing head on)
(Aim for x-amount of successful consecutive passes then change the defender over)
Next progression - Increase the Grid to roughly 15 x 15 and add a second defender!
(Again aim for x-amount of successful passes then change the defenders)
Now for the FINAL progression:
Make the grid WIDER like below, with added extra players RESTRICTED to just within the new zones.
As before we have a 3v2 in the middle but wall passes can now also be played with the extra players creating a 5v4.
Also introduce 'The Pocket' also known as the 'SAFE AREA' only the attacking team 'REDS' can use this and ONLY one player at a time.
This will form the building block for the Defensive Midfielder - 'The Playmaker'
Encourage the DM to regularly drop into the Pocket to receive and play passes and then return back into the grid.
Once the players are performing this well
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