Thursday, 29 November 2012


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Following on from Week Two:

We focused on the DM playing out to the wide attackers RW and LW and attacking.

WEEK THREE: WINGBACK SUPPORT x2 per week for 90mins

With the same set up from week TWO 
This time we now introduce the wingback's supporting runs. Here the DM passes out wide to either the RW or LW.
This is the trigger for the supporting WINGBACK to offer an overlap and try to create a 2v1 with the oppositions fullback. 
Below a typical setup for the drill in action with opposed defending.

Again the drill starts with the Playmaker 'DM' receiving the ball and looking for a FREE wide attacker. Here for the purpose of the drill the opposition FBs are defending 50% to encourage to success. 
The DM feeds the wide attacker with the ball.
With the WB's sitting in the RM/LM position, begin their supporting run 'guided with a coned gate' 


With the wide attacker now with the ball, if space is available then the priority will be to exploit it! But if not, squaring up the oppositions FB with the WB overlapping creating a 2v1.
The RW/LW either plays to the WB or uses the WB as a dummy and exploits the space opened up.
If the WB is played in, with the following players making the type of runs below, the WB has multiple options available to pick/exploit etc 
CM - Front Post
CF - slightly off center or in front 
LW - Back post

Then reset and rotate flanks.

The following passing squence can be used to help introduce the session and for everyone to rotate positions to help understanding etc
1 - passes to 2
3 - runs through gate as 1 is passing to 2
2 - then passes to 3 on the overlap
3 - then crosses it in for 4 to finish

everyone rotates to the next station, ie 1 would now join the back of 3, 3 would now replace 2, 2 would join the back of 4, and 4 would join the back of 1 etc

(Also rotate the drill by using opposite flank)

Once the players are performing this comfortably 
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Tuesday, 27 November 2012

4-3-3 LAYOUT

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In 10-11 months of coaching and trying to learn the now favorite formation everyone is trying to use the 4-3-3

This is my take on it, and tho there's loads of variations on setting it out and playing it. Heres how i like to implement it...


- This is the blueprint of the formation

However formations rarely stay strict, and work best being fluid and merging into others depending on where the ball is.
For this reason i think the main focus should be on developing player understanding, roles for certain positions during transitions.

- This is a typical layout used during transitional plays

- For me the KEY is superiority in numbers to dominate all thirds of the pitch and the key number is FIVE.
I like to have FIVE players in the middle, to achieve this.

  - When attacking the formation turns into a 2-5-3
and again the key number FIVE players in midfield. Acting as a net to contain the pressure, pick up lose balls, ready to initiate attacks, retain possession and recycle plays.

- WB's both push up! creating FIVE but also help plug the gaps on the flanks for any potential out balls from the opposition. But also give the team WIDTH and when either the wide attackers cut in field, to progress and offer overlaps or occupy the opposition fullbacks attention.

- CB's sit slightly back, FOR ME this is unusual BUT with the CBs marking the opposing strikers, sitting slightly further back. Gives the midfield more time on the ball and less likely to be attacked/tackled from behind. And gives slightly extra confidence, stability and security.

- When defending the formation turns into a 4-5-1
again the main theme of FIVE players in the middle, to dominate the 'engine room, heart beat of the game' if you will

- Wide attackers drop back to plug gaps and give stability and compactness, making it difficult for opposing players to break down or through

Key points:
- Making the pitch as small, and narrow
- Pressuring at key points, i.e. their strikers and midfielders. But getting back into position when their defenders have it. (Unless your chasing the game)

- Make the opposition FORCE it, make them TAKE RISKS.


- Always having FIVE players in the middle third, to dominate the game.
- Midfielders stay roughly within width lines of the 18 yard box. To dominate and control the game.
Leaving the WBs and Wide Attackers to control the flanks
- WBs as soon as the ball is out of the defensive third turn into RM's and LM's
- Wide Attackers drop back as soon as an attack fails and plug the gaps and regain the FIVE in midfield

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Friday, 9 November 2012


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So in WEEK ONE: Midfield Possession

Here we focused on passing, moving and support running. Creating Triangles and angles to pass and to keep and maintain possession.

Then introducing the DM 'Playmaker' to drop into the pocket to create space to create attacks.

Week TWO will be carrying on from here...

WEEK TWO: THE PLAYMAKER x2 per week for 90mins

Set up with roughly a Penalty area width grid and length from the halfway line with 6 players in the grid.

Now following on from week one, and the DM dropping back into the pocket for space, here were following on but now also including 3 more players (LW, RW and CF)

The drill starts unopposed with the DM dropping back to receive the ball from the coach

Once the the DM has the ball this is the TRIGGER for the attacking TRIO to incorporate two points of the attacking formula, LENGTH AND WIDTH 

The wingers pull out to the touch lines (marked by the red cones) giving the team - WIDTH
And the CF pulls high giving the team - LENGTH

- Checking shoulder before moving and when receiving the ball
- Receiving the ball on their back foot and on the half turn
- Pass to wide players ideally are drilled or low and to feet (show how effective high and low balls are)
ie A high ball can take longer and more touches to control and slows up an attack! Where as a well placed pass to feet requires less touches and a faster attack
- Also work on passing to the infront of ie into SPACE for the winger to run onto
- Pull out to touchlines with body shape always open/facing the ball as soon as the DM receives the ball
- Goes long taking CBs with them giving space for midfield players
CM's x2:
- Also push up to help create space for the DM and also to occupy the oppositions center midfielders (if they were to play a typical 4-4-2 line up.

The DM 'Playmaker' now has x3 attacking options LW, RW or CF
And acting as like an american quaterback if you will, looks to find whoever is FREE.

As this is unopposed and no defenders are involved yet, if the attacking trio (LW, RW and CF) have all been followed/tracked and are marked. 
The DM brings the ball forward into midfield (inside the grid) and keeps the ball with a 3 v 2.

Progress the drill into using defenders, and attacking on goal once the players have the understanding/following of the session.
Here the LW has pulled wide and not been followed by his marker, giving the DM 'The Playmaker' the option to find him.
Again if the defenders are marking the attacking trio (LW, RW and CF) the DM brings the ball forward in a 3v2 with the wingers coming narrower to either create a bigger overload or to come in and then back out to try and lose their marker for the DM to drop back into the 'Pocket' to find them.


- As soon the team get the ball they look to attack, and thus MAKE the pitch as big as possible with 'width and length'
- The DM drops back into the 'pocket/space' between defence and midfield
- CM's push up to help create space and occupy oppositions midfield

Once the players are performing this well
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Thursday, 8 November 2012


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WEEK ONE: MIDFIELD POSSESSION x2 per week for 90mins

Set up with roughly a 10x10 grid with 3 players in a grid.

Now the idea is all 3 players must keep the grid as BIG as possible, and whenever a player has the ball they MUST have an option to their right and left before releasing a pass.

- Players always facing the ball
- On the balls on their feet ready to pass, receive or to make a support run
- Checking shoulder on calling and receiving the ball
- Crisp on the floor passing, 1/2 touch
- Once fundamentals are established increase/push the tempo

Once all coaching points are being shown and demonstrated progress to now adding a defender, and repeating the drill but with pressure. Explaining following the points learnt, there playing in a triangle. And therefore nearly impossible for a defender to win the ball off them if they stick to keeping the GRID BIG, support runs giving the ball player options on their left and right (if your wondering why not in front - in theory the defender will be closing head on)

(Aim for x-amount of successful consecutive passes then change the defender over)

Next progression - Increase the Grid to roughly 15 x 15 and add a second defender!

(Again aim for x-amount of successful passes then change the defenders)

Now for the FINAL progression:
Make the grid WIDER like below, with added extra players RESTRICTED to just within the new zones.
As before we have a 3v2 in the middle but wall passes can now also be played with the extra players creating a 5v4.

Also introduce 'The Pocket' also known as the 'SAFE AREA' only the attacking team 'REDS' can use this and ONLY one player at a time.

This will form the building block for the Defensive Midfielder - 'The Playmaker'  
Encourage the DM to regularly drop into the Pocket to receive and play passes and then return back into the grid.

Once the players are performing this well
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