Following on from Week Two:
We focused on the DM playing out to the wide attackers RW and LW and attacking.
WEEK THREE: WINGBACK SUPPORT x2 per week for 90mins
With the same set up from week TWO
This time we now introduce the wingback's supporting runs. Here the DM passes out wide to either the RW or LW.
This is the trigger for the supporting WINGBACK to offer an overlap and try to create a 2v1 with the oppositions fullback.
Below a typical setup for the drill in action with opposed defending.
Again the drill starts with the Playmaker 'DM' receiving the ball and looking for a FREE wide attacker. Here for the purpose of the drill the opposition FBs are defending 50% to encourage to success.
The DM feeds the wide attacker with the ball.
With the WB's sitting in the RM/LM position, begin their supporting run 'guided with a coned gate'
With the wide attacker now with the ball, if space is available then the priority will be to exploit it! But if not, squaring up the oppositions FB with the WB overlapping creating a 2v1.
The RW/LW either plays to the WB or uses the WB as a dummy and exploits the space opened up.
If the WB is played in, with the following players making the type of runs below, the WB has multiple options available to pick/exploit etc
CM - Front Post
CF - slightly off center or in front
LW - Back post
Then reset and rotate flanks.
The following passing squence can be used to help introduce the session and for everyone to rotate positions to help understanding etc
1 - passes to 2
3 - runs through gate as 1 is passing to 2
2 - then passes to 3 on the overlap
3 - then crosses it in for 4 to finish
everyone rotates to the next station, ie 1 would now join the back of 3, 3 would now replace 2, 2 would join the back of 4, and 4 would join the back of 1 etc
(Also rotate the drill by using opposite flank)
Once the players are performing this comfortably
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