This is a great drill for either a warm up, circuit training with the ball or a stand alone training session with progressions and variations.
The drill can be set up for 8 players using one side of a half or set up for 14 players using both sides.
The aim... to pass in triangles without losing the ball from one grid to the next and eventually finishing with an attack on goal.
3x attackers (RED)
4x defenders (BLUE)
1x goalkeeper (GREEN)
3x Grids (10x10 depending on age and ability)
1x Grid centrally
The red attackers enter (Grid 1) and perform x-amount of passes (say 5) when number is reached, the defender on the sidelines enters and attempts to:
1 - Win the ball - full pressure (depending on ability level)
2 - Shadow defending - 50/50 pressure (depending on ability level)
3 - Jocking
Once the defender is in the grid, a 3v1 occurs. The reds now have a new target (x- amount of passes) with a defender. Say the aim is 10 successful passes without defender winning the ball back, once reached the defender goes dead and the red attackers move to (Grid 2) and the same continues and then same again with Grid 3, till they get to Grid 4 where if successful continue through on goal.
- Defenders start in Grids
- No free passing to start, Defenders are live from start
- Attackers must use a wall pass with MIDDLE grid when moving into next grid
- Two teams, either side of pitch - race through grids successfully with winner first attacking goal
- No (x - amount of passes) attackers decide when they can attack next grid
Coaching Points:
- Always on toes
- First touch must be good
- ALWAYS form a triangle around defender giving team mate with ball TWO OPTIONS
- Pass and move into space for an option to receive
- Aim for minimal touches
- Anticipate passes
- Cut off angles
- Full of energy
Potential Outcomes:
Playing in 'triangles' in a game is simple yet hard to master, as if one player doesn't commit, the triangle doesn't get completed and a pass can easily be scripted and intercepted.
At first defenders will hate this drill with a passion, if working in 10 x 10 grids, with good movement attackers can easily knock up to 40 - 50 passes off without the defender getting the ball.
The longer the defender can't get the ball, the harder it becomes as there energy levels dramatically drop, and thus overall it becomes EVEN HARDER as the attackers then get more time with the ball to move and pass.
Attackers will soon realise how much easier it is keeping the ball. And moving round the pitch forming Triangles and keeping the ball will hopefully easily transfer from the training pitch to the match pitch.
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